After following events in the Middle East since 1973 it has always been a very volatile part of the world. So we were naive to think anything would change or get better for the people of the region. Now after the United States has taken its course of action after 911 the collapse of any type of structure or chance for peace is all but over. People intent on bringing down civilization, the hatred between nations, ethnic differences extreme radical philosophy driven terror. All have escalated and ensued since the U.S. invaded Iraq.
G.W. Bush the first, held forces back from Baghdad after the “Gulf War”
operation Desert Shield and then Desert Storm 1990-91 were to build up forces we
had to;
GULF WAR This article is about the war in 1990–91. For other wars
of that name,.The Gulf War (2 August 1990 – 28
February 1991), code named Operation Desert Shield (2 August
1990 – 17 January 1991) for operations leading to the buildup of troops and
defense of Saudi Arabia and Operation Desert Storm (17 January
1991 – 28 February 1991) in its combat phase, was a war waged by coalition forces from 34 nations led
by the United States against Iraq in
response to Iraq's invasion and annexation of Kuwait.
The war is also known under other names, such as the Persian
Gulf War, First Gulf War, Gulf War I, Kuwait
War, First Iraq War, or Iraq War before the term
"Iraq War" became identified instead with the 2003 Iraq War(also
referred to in the U.S. as "Operation Iraqi Freedom").The Iraqi Army's
occupation of Kuwait that began 2 August 1990 was met with international
condemnation, and brought immediate economic sanctions against Iraq by
members of the U.N. Security Council. U.S.
President George H. W. Bush deployed U.S. forces into Saudi
Arabia and urged other countries to send their own forces to the scene.
An array of nations joined the Coalition, the largest military alliance
since World War II. The great majority of the Coalition's
military forces were from the U.S., with Saudi Arabia, the United Kingdom and
Egypt as leading contributors, in that order. Saudi Arabia paid around US$36
billion of the US$60 billion cost
Thanks WikipediA
After 911 I think most people felt we had to retaliate
against the perpetrators. Who would we attack?
Most American’s agreed seek retribution. We tried the only the problem
was we went after the wrong people and wrong country. I never thought I would
miss Sadam Hussein, he was no Mr. Rodgers. I said at the time, put him back in
power don’t hang him. Everyone deserves a second chance, I am be sarcastic of
course. Or am I? What if we realized war crimes were committed on both sides
weather or not we want to admit the U.S. was no exception?
The plot formed for the attack of 911 most of us know now that
the majority of the hijackers were Saudi’s. Ten years earlier we were
protecting Saudi Arabia from the Iraqi’s.
Enter Osama Bin Laden, Al-Qaeda and now onto Afghanistan another country
that invaders and occupiers never have fared well in. Ask the Russians how
Soviet Union did their 20 years before we took over in another place where a
war cannot be won. What will happen as we withdraw from there? The same thing
just leave it for the wolves and hyenas lets go home and forget it ever
happened. We tried however ewe did not succeed again. Oh well let the
atrocities continue and intensify in Afghanistan.
Omar Kaddafi gone, and Assad still in power in Syria. After
hundreds of billions of borrowed money America has not lost another war. We did
not win it either, it is still going on, except we are not actually in the
fight anymore. Or are we still fighting? It so confusing…..
Now a surreal
scenario has taken over, just to set the record straight as to how we got so
involved and how we helped to created what is going on now in the Middle East. Now to the point of daily crimes against
humanity that have become common place, we never thought possible in this day
and age. Cutting off heads, burning people alive torture, violence against
women, the rape of young girls being sold into sexual slavery.
I even have heard people say President Obama has a lot of
blood on his hands. Guess what we all do living in America electing the people
who have made the policies that have brought us to this point in history. The
pride factor of being an American is a great one that I hope is never lost. Now
damage control is to completely abandon the people of the nation’s we have
helped to destroy. Life goes on we see things on the news the world events,
terrorism, the return of Russian aggression. The problems that face us now are
like never before. Very serious and dangerous times we find ourselves living
Thousands of the brave American forces coming back home
physically and emotionally damaged the ones that were lucky to come back. The
thousands of soldiers that died in the Arabian Desert. Fighting at the time a
noble cause eliminating the weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Wait, I forgot
no weapons of mass destruction. Oh well, sorry about that we made a mistake we
still are paying for.
A very big mistake that has now ultimately caused hundreds
of thousands of lives lost and counting, more each day or minute. The bloodbath
that has occurred is of unimaginable proportion. Wrong place wrong country
wrong time. Let’s fight wars to win from now on if it is worth going to war and
sacrificing countless lives we might as well win it. Get it over and do what
worked so well in Europe and Asia, Germany and Japan, destroy them, concur them,
occupy them until we are friends. That would be nice Japan and Germany are
great allies now 70 plus years after the war.
Defeat evil and let liberty
prevail, a noble concept worth fighting and dying for. Easy for me to say
different times different causes. Different times for sure however the
atrocity’s and crimes against humanity are growing and need to be stopped. Once foes now allies it worked out fighting for our freedom in
defense of our country, Germany, Japan had to be stopped. Iraq, Iran. Syria,
the entire Middle East were they expected to accept the great liberators and
get in line to experience democracy? It is not so easy, it never was easy to be
an occupier or invader and liberators have never had a warm welcome. It is their
country, their religions and beliefs and those things are not easily swayed to or are changed.
It was not so long ago that we were the invader in our
homeland the Native American Indians were decimated by the US Military. Not so
long ago and now we have to go back to 1940’s WWII to have a victory in war.
Conflicts like Korea and Vietnam became a great way to abandon a lost cause.
Things have changed in the world and it has become a very dangerous place.
Warfare we are trying to make different with Special Forces pin point assaults
cut down on human loss and collateral damage. However it does still happen
innocent people are killed. Mechanized war implemented to help the cause of
freedom without exposing our young people to ground combat. Darkness and evil
now flow as a dye cast on the land the sand has turned red with blood. Many
cities of the Middle East in rubble countless lives ended many in the most
gruesome of ways.
A lost cause with no good option available to help, on most and all levels now completely out of control. It would take a consorted effort on the part of our allied’
nations and risk many more thousands of American troops to bring order and law
to the region. Eliminate the ISIL, Al-Qaeda, Boko Haram and stop the growing
numbers being recruited with in the US and Allied nations. I keep thinking when
are the good guy’s going to show up to end the atrocities taking place, crimes
against humanity and antiquities. The surreal events keep taking place horrific scenarios. I keep wondering when and if the good guys will show up and
put an end to the killing. What happened to the United Nations? Nato? Our
“Allies” in the Middle East?
Open season across the land where the forces of darkness
have taken over how long we will let this stand? Let’s hope decisions we make
in the future are not as misguided as the ones made by our elected leaders in
the past. And possibly people will realize we need to rally at critical times
around each other to help make changes and create hope for the defeat of our
enemies that are of the darkness. Good prevailing over evil is a must win situation at this
point in time.
Events in the Middle East since 1973 have reinforced the contention it has always been a very volatile part of the world. Naivety was apparent in those who thought anything would change or get better for the people of the region. Post 9/11 the course of action the United States has taken has served to finalize the collapse of any type of peace initiative or structured peace talks. People intent on bringing down civilization by formulating the continuation of ethnic and religious hatred between nations and exposing an extreme radical philosophy driven by the violent propagation of terror have all seen their causes escalate and prosper in the aftermath of the misguided US invasion of Iraq.
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