Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Now I really am terrified!!!

After watching the latest republican debate, I thought to myself, there now is a reason to be afraid. Fear alarmist hate mongers, terror was the only winner. The domination of several candidates throughout the republican debate was evident. However once again most of the republican candidates shoot themselves and every other American in the foot, head and heart. It made it plain to see why Washington is so corrupt and dysfunctional.

It was no secret as to why Senator Ted Cruz and Rand Paul love the Constitution of the United States so much. Especially the First Amendment of free speech. They love to hear themselves talk, over everyone they continue to sound out their rhetoric. It was tough to watch these “leaders” bicker and bashing the president over and over to the point of being just plain unpatriotic.

Talk, talk and more talk from the candidates is what terrorized me, the night’s subject of national security. Responses were hawkish to say the least as well they should be it these times and the dangers we are faced with. To think that these are the people Americans have put in position to drive the bus. Down the same old road of false promises, despise and hatred. far from the truth in most every matter, with many side roads that lead to the special interests of lobbyists and the rich. And with the disgusting exhibit from most candidates the presidential debate was a shameful display. I was terrorized by almost every man and woman behind almost every podium on the stage. 

A few highlights were the ideas for reaction to confrontations in the middle east, now with Russia? Wait a minute, “fight the Russians” are they crazy?  I guess so, I thought we were still fighting everyone else in the middle east besides the Israel’s. “I would not hesitate to shoot a Russian plane down in a no fly zone” one of the candidates blurted out. Great just what we need in this time in our history, it is dangerous enough right now. Wow!

One of the few things that was sensible and talked the other night was that the media has helped to perpetuate many of today's problems. Such as gun control mass shootings and gun violence in America. Given too much credence to the perpetrators of these heinous acts against life and mankind, history, antiquities.  Labeling these deranged gunmen “masterminds and lone wolves.” Giving them weeks of media coverage inspiring the next wacko with a death wish to get their fifteen minutes of fame.

At times the debate was a desecration of information launched to the masses like a spray of manure. Sharing at times top secret information, did anyone catch a member of cast of candidates sharing classified information in front of 15 million people? Oops?  That was a shock to see and hear those loose lips sinking yet other ships. Ted Cruz talks too much!

Today in my own mind the terrorists have won on many different levels. The rhetoric on the stage and in the media confirmed that. Every day the world is spiraling increasingly at an alarming rate, out of control. With only knee jerk reactions and blockades of any hope for a progression toward a prosperous future and peace. They all are making situations worse. Like when we invaded Iraq and did not find weapons of mass destruction. To help create tumultuous times that has lasted for decades and now have come to a head.

Here is a thought for paranoid mystics, what if there were WMD’s in Iraq and as we ventured to find them failed as they slipped out the back door. Possibly these weapons are still in the hands of our enemies which are many in the middle east. Waiting for the right times and places to pay retribution for what America helped do to their countries. And now as a direct result of our misguided actions that propelled the spawn of the terror group ISIL. Hatred toward America has never been greater.

Yet the guy voted to the top our President Barrack Obama, the man that had to mop up the 8 failed years of the George W. Bush administration its policies and actions. Remember the economy on the verge of a near catastrophic collapse? In the 2009 bailout of the American and world economy President Obama decisively took action. Obama and Clinton bashing took center stage last night. Those speaking with straight faces as they argued and pointed fingers and passed the blame. Those that obstruct any resolution or bill that might help the many issues that face this great country has now become the statuesque. We live in important dangerous times and must proceed with caution with what we say and do. And who we vote for to avoid the escalation of the mistakes of the past. And not to repeat the errors of our ways in the future.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

I am glad I am not the President it is a tough gig these days.

Glad I am not a President of the United States. I imagine most everyone else is glad I am not too. How would I stand to wake up each day facing the problems that face the United States and the World? Sacrificing my own life to try and serve with a vision and have continual opposition. Knowing that is what this country does to leaders in politics and other walks of life. Loves them on the way up and hate them after they are torn apart or have failed in some way. The fall from grace of those at the top of their field. This happen not only in politics also in sports, arts and entertainment, business and finances.

Now the media rages on in all their glory with tragic world events. The presentation polished and characters right out of Hollywood central casting department. Almost acting as editors for ISIL's media propaganda productions. I would encourage the media to alter the way reporting is presented. Facts and video clips are great evidence of these horrific events. The way it is produced is not helpful to the cause.

First of all please discontinue the use and do not refer to ISIS as ISIS graphically it looks to good and sounds too catchy. ISIS as I have said before is a one of my favorite Bob Dylan songs. Written long before ISIL or Daesh and its evil entities were a glimmer in dark black soulless eyes. Like the eyes of a shark without soul or feeling.


Let’s tell the news sources knock off the ISIS even though it is a great graphic and easy to say. They hate to be called Deash it sounds more appropriate. Deash sounds more like they are bash, crash, trash, Deash. Sounds of words are important ISIL also does not sound as inviting. Think about the name and how it is presented in the wall paper graphics and repetitive coverage of network news. Are they trying to attract more recruits to the satanic cult by splashy headlines of ISIS?

Another problematic term that will incite and attract home grown terrorists. “Lone Wolf,” “Lone Wolf” Wolf Blitzer loves to say it, I guess because it is his first name, Wolf, Lone Wolf us to death. Kind of sounds romantic the Lone Wolf strays away from the pack and goes into the forest. Wolves are a majestic animal do not compare these soulless scum bags to a wolf. Wolves kill to eat, not for pleasure or some misguided ideologically twisted at best cause. Do not attract the disenfranchised freaks with access to automatic weapons. “Lone Wolf.” Call them what they are insane gunman.

 At home in the theaters at the grade schools, colleges across the land the continuing gun violence that is escalating every week. The threat of sleeper cells of terror. Make you think before you book a flight go to a movie or a ball game. Searches and scanners make sure we do NOT have the ability to defend ourselves. Metal scanners also keep more bloodshed from happening on a large scale. This is a real catch 22 now with more police presence at venues I hope will make these cowardly cold blooded killers think twice about an assault on innocent people.

These devils know we are defenseless and ready for another shooting gallery situation. Lucky thing I am not the president if so we would have an interesting time in our country's history. Personally, for me, I would start a frightful all out offensive from all directions. Froth with retribution in my-our sights. All hell would break lose on ISIL.

The second amendment of the constitution has been a topic of much debate in recent years due to the over 30,000 deaths by guns in American per year. What can we do? Take away the guns then just bad guys will have them. How could you gather all the guns in the wrong hands and record the ownership of legal ownership. Guns in the hands of disturbed and ignorant people do not mix. Now with the tragedy in France, a horrific slaughter. Threats against western targets are many and will be bound to take place. I hope not however it seems inevitable. 

CNN and network news is promoting it in a way they are aware of this themselves. Is it time to call for a well-armed citizen led militia for security? As the second amendment suggests, whatever it takes. Certify and issue advance gun training conceal and carry permits? I would like to have the ability to defend myself. Shoot, slow down or possibly kill the assassin. A chance for people to escape and fight back. Drastic times calls for drastic measures. Arming qualified people or take it to another level. How about a draft to gather a massive force with a coalition to wipe the surge of Deash from the earth. And then keep the peace and keep this scourge from coming back.

We now need to prepare for these attacks when are they likely to happen. After a report of an ISIL leader being killed or a city taken back. Yes they plan retribution and are triggered by the fall of a fellow terrorist. Dates, they like dates with symbolism 911 for instance was no coincidence. Emergency 911 this is a clue. How about Friday the 13th another attack takes place. Another thing to notice is how they try and weave their evil web into the psyche of the free world. Bin Laden launched a video tape on or about Halloween wearing an orange shroud. They have now taken psychological warfare even further. These all are examples of terrorist methodology.

 Prophecy or script? The book that explains current events is the Bible it all is described in it. Prophecy of end times as it is written playing out? Or are they enacting these events in a way to gain even more of an effect to scare and terrorize.  Beheadings in the red sea and launching a holy war. Something to think about.

 Video game prophesy and it being acted out has bred a generation of devils. A format to emulate and now even to secretly communicate via. And wonder why when the networks make these psychopaths icons for twisted minds to follow. I am all for free speech and information. The next killer learns and listens to the information such as websites on how to build a bomb and download your very own ISIL training manual.

 Now who is going to deem the fight on terrorism world war three? I think they will give the scoop to Wolf Blitzer the senior press pack leader. Will Fox news jump the scoop? Seems as if it might have been an appropriate call back when they started cutting off the first American's head. Or when the first American female was kidnapped brutalized, raped repeatedly and then killed. By American bombs possibly or most likely slaughtered in the name of retribution somehow in their twisted ideology.

Is all this really happening in our time and how can we the people of the world let it continue? Every continent stuck by terrorism continuing at an escalated pace. The incidences they continue. I have been asking how long it will be before the good guys show up and take care of business in the fight against pure hatred and evil. 

Thanks to CNN news and other networks for creating a more polished version of ISIL central casting propaganda videos. Finally the networks obsession with Donald Trump is trumped by tragic real world events. Coming into the holidays showing targets vulnerabilities over and over with cameras ready, action, camera. 

 The next crazy will be in their reports over and over until these sick cowardly punks have their 15 minutes of fame. Show the people they killed and their stories not the killers. Don't call the twisted individuals, "masterminds" of terror sounds like a new video game the press invented. The use of some discretion which also comes with free speech in these reports would be nice. However then news ratings would tumble, who will make the call when and if it is really world war III? And how it began or was delayed or avoided will be for historians to say. 

For now a great way to fight terrorism would be easy, just turn off the TV and the promotion of ISIL's cause and recruitments will be fewer when they realize they are contributing to the problem. I am a news junky I would have to find something else to do. And would be glad to do that when no news is good news.



Friday, October 23, 2015

Republican witch hunt backfires as Hillary stands the test of time.

Congressman Jordan leads partisan witch hunt Hilary Clinton like her or not Hillary showed she has what it takes to be the first woman president. Personally I would like to see a woman president. Tulsi Gabbard will be a great choice looking ahead into the future.

Yesterday after over 10 hours these low ranking republican dweebs take aim at the former first lady. The lack of respect and interrogation tactics back fire once again on the partisan republicans. The tragedy in Benghazi could have been very easily avoided. Attacks on the embassy compound in Libya after the fall of Muammar Gaddafi then on the anniversary of 9/11 security should have been heightened that should have been a no brainer that is for sure. We lost four brave Americans from a lack of action in the chain of command.

 I was shocked at the complete waste of time and taxpayers money with these fanatical Clinton haters aggressively interrogating the former first lady and secretary of state. Clinton cool under pressure shows she can go toe to toe with anyone after an over 10 hour marathon of republican dweeb’s attacks. All of these petty jerks should lose their jobs in the next election. Thank goodness the narrow-minded congressmen focus their tunnel vision once again in the wrong direction.

The only thing the hearings did was cement Clinton as the democratic front runner. Once again the powers at be miss fire shooting themselves in the foot showing just how misguided and embarrassing this affront on the democratic front runner for the presidential election of 2016 actually was. With these people in the republican congress it is plain to see why this country is suffering. All they do is obstruct programs and policies that would help America and other countries in the world.

It was a shameful spectacle the badgering of the former first lady and secretary of state was a marathon and fortunately once again shows the world what is wrong with American politics and the Republican Party. Democrats are now thanking the partisan committee set up to admittedly to hurt Clinton’s poll numbers. The only thing that will make these people stop attacking Hillary is the day she is laid to rest.I hope that is a long time from now America needs her experience and cool clam demeanor when under attack.  Politicizing the deaths of the Ambassador Stevens and three other great Americans is sickening.

The future of the democratic party that is now currently thin when it comes to choices. Unlike that cast or scary characters the republican have come up with. Donald Trump is amusing and scary at the same time. What are they down to for candidates now? Lets call them the dirty dozen. It is a good thing that is all they got! Now another dweeb will be speaker of the house I thought John Boehner was bad now we have to watch that smudge goofball Paul Ryan putting a road block on policies that will benefit the nation.

Hopefully people will have enough of this dog and pony show and we will see the voting turnout increase and clear the house of these career politicians with special interests.It is nice to be able to say I am proud to be a American the party of Abraham Lincoln has old Abe rolling in his grave.

On a positive note for the future since we are all about 2016. Here is one for you let's drive the bus even further away from the current political crowd;

Tulsi Gabbard (born April 12, 1981) is an American politician and member of the Democratic Party who has been the United States Representative for Hawaii's second congressional district since 2013. She is also a vice-chair of the Democratic National Committee. Elected in 2012, she is the first American Samoan and the first Hindu member of the United States Congress, and, along with Tammy Duckworth, one of its first female combat veterans. My prediction Tulsi will platy a important role in the future of the democratic party.

Monday, August 24, 2015

After 911 I think most people felt we had to retaliate against the perpetrators. Who would we attack?

After following events in the Middle East since 1973 it has always been a very volatile part of the world. So we were naive to think anything would change or get better for the people of the region. Now after the United States has taken its course of action after 911 the collapse of any type of structure or chance for peace is all but over. People intent on bringing down civilization, the hatred between nations, ethnic differences extreme radical philosophy driven terror. All have escalated and ensued since the U.S. invaded Iraq. 

Gulf War Photobox.jpg

G.W. Bush the first, held forces back from Baghdad after the “Gulf War” operation Desert Shield and then Desert Storm 1990-91 were to build up forces we had to;

GULF WAR This article is about the war in 1990–91. For other wars of that name,.The Gulf War (2 August 1990 – 28 February 1991), code named Operation Desert Shield (2 August 1990 – 17 January 1991) for operations leading to the buildup of troops and defense of Saudi Arabia and Operation Desert Storm (17 January 1991 – 28 February 1991) in its combat phase, was a war waged by coalition forces from 34 nations led by the United States against Iraq in response to Iraq's invasion and annexation of Kuwait.

The war is also known under other names, such as the Persian Gulf WarFirst Gulf WarGulf War IKuwait War, First Iraq War, or Iraq War before the term "Iraq War" became identified instead with the 2003 Iraq War(also referred to in the U.S. as "Operation Iraqi Freedom").The Iraqi Army's occupation of Kuwait that began 2 August 1990 was met with international condemnation, and brought immediate economic sanctions against Iraq by members of the U.N. Security Council. U.S. President George H. W. Bush deployed U.S. forces into Saudi Arabia and urged other countries to send their own forces to the scene. An array of nations joined the Coalition, the largest military alliance since World War II. The great majority of the Coalition's military forces were from the U.S., with Saudi Arabia, the United Kingdom and Egypt as leading contributors, in that order. Saudi Arabia paid around US$36 billion of the US$60 billion cost

Thanks WikipediA

After 911 I think most people felt we had to retaliate against the perpetrators. Who would we attack?  Most American’s agreed seek retribution. We tried the only the problem was we went after the wrong people and wrong country. I never thought I would miss Sadam Hussein, he was no Mr. Rodgers. I said at the time, put him back in power don’t hang him. Everyone deserves a second chance, I am be sarcastic of course. Or am I? What if we realized war crimes were committed on both sides weather or not we want to admit the U.S. was no exception?

The plot formed for the attack of 911 most of us know now that the majority of the hijackers were Saudi’s. Ten years earlier we were protecting Saudi Arabia from the Iraqi’s.  Enter Osama Bin Laden, Al-Qaeda and now onto Afghanistan another country that invaders and occupiers never have fared well in. Ask the Russians how Soviet Union did their 20 years before we took over in another place where a war cannot be won. What will happen as we withdraw from there? The same thing just leave it for the wolves and hyenas lets go home and forget it ever happened. We tried however ewe did not succeed again. Oh well let the atrocities continue and intensify in Afghanistan. 

Omar Kaddafi gone, and Assad still in power in Syria. After hundreds of billions of borrowed money America has not lost another war. We did not win it either, it is still going on, except we are not actually in the fight anymore. Or are we still fighting? It so confusing…..
 Now a surreal scenario has taken over, just to set the record straight as to how we got so involved and how we helped to created what is going on now in the Middle East.  Now to the point of daily crimes against humanity that have become common place, we never thought possible in this day and age. Cutting off heads, burning people alive torture, violence against women, the rape of young girls being sold into sexual slavery.

I even have heard people say President Obama has a lot of blood on his hands. Guess what we all do living in America electing the people who have made the policies that have brought us to this point in history. The pride factor of being an American is a great one that I hope is never lost. Now damage control is to completely abandon the people of the nation’s we have helped to destroy. Life goes on we see things on the news the world events, terrorism, the return of Russian aggression. The problems that face us now are like never before. Very serious and dangerous times we find ourselves living in.

Thousands of the brave American forces coming back home physically and emotionally damaged the ones that were lucky to come back. The thousands of soldiers that died in the Arabian Desert. Fighting at the time a noble cause eliminating the weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Wait, I forgot no weapons of mass destruction. Oh well, sorry about that we made a mistake we still are paying for.

A very big mistake that has now ultimately caused hundreds of thousands of lives lost and counting, more each day or minute. The bloodbath that has occurred is of unimaginable proportion. Wrong place wrong country wrong time. Let’s fight wars to win from now on if it is worth going to war and sacrificing countless lives we might as well win it. Get it over and do what worked so well in Europe and Asia, Germany and Japan, destroy them, concur them, occupy them until we are friends. That would be nice Japan and Germany are great allies now 70 plus years after the war.

 Defeat evil and let liberty prevail, a noble concept worth fighting and dying for. Easy for me to say different times different causes. Different times for sure however the atrocity’s and crimes against humanity are growing and need to be stopped. Once foes now allies it worked out fighting for our freedom in defense of our country, Germany, Japan had to be stopped. Iraq, Iran. Syria, the entire Middle East were they expected to accept the great liberators and get in line to experience democracy? It is not so easy, it never was easy to be an occupier or invader and liberators have never had a warm welcome. It is their country, their religions and beliefs and those things are not easily swayed to or are changed.

It was not so long ago that we were the invader in our homeland the Native American Indians were decimated by the US Military. Not so long ago and now we have to go back to 1940’s WWII to have a victory in war. Conflicts like Korea and Vietnam became a great way to abandon a lost cause. Things have changed in the world and it has become a very dangerous place. Warfare we are trying to make different with Special Forces pin point assaults cut down on human loss and collateral damage. However it does still happen innocent people are killed. Mechanized war implemented to help the cause of freedom without exposing our young people to ground combat. Darkness and evil now flow as a dye cast on the land the sand has turned red with blood. Many cities of the Middle East in rubble countless lives ended many in the most gruesome of ways.

 A lost cause with no good option available to help, on most and all levels now completely out of control. It would take a consorted effort on the part of our allied’ nations and risk many more thousands of American troops to bring order and law to the region. Eliminate the ISIL, Al-Qaeda, Boko Haram and stop the growing numbers being recruited with in the US and Allied nations. I keep thinking when are the good guy’s going to show up to end the atrocities taking place, crimes against humanity and antiquities. The surreal events keep taking place  horrific scenarios. I keep wondering when and if the good guys will show up and put an end to the killing. What happened to the United Nations? Nato? Our “Allies” in the Middle East?

 Open season across the land where the forces of darkness have taken over how long we will let this stand? Let’s hope decisions we make in the future are not as misguided as the ones made by our elected leaders in the past. And possibly people will realize we need to rally at critical times around each other to help make changes and create hope for the defeat of our enemies that are of the darkness. Good prevailing over evil is a must win situation at this point in time.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

CNN Reports What must to happen to make these atrocities and crimes against humanity stop.

CNN Reports

What must to happen to make these atrocities and crimes against humanity stop. 

Khaled al-As'ad spent his life on the painstaking task of preserving antiquities, saving the relics of our ancestors for generations yet to come.

 Islamic State militants beheaded a renowned antiquities scholar in the ancient Syrian city of Palmyra and hung his mutilated body on a column in a main square of the historic site because he apparently refused to reveal where valuable artifacts had been moved for safekeeping. From CNN and The Guardian  

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Do we American’s need protection from the second amendment to the constitution?

“We the people” affirm that the government of the United States exists to serve it citizens.” Written in 1787 and ratified in 1788 and in operation since 1789 is the constitution of the United States.

The second amendment to the United States constitution is the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed. On December 15, 1791, the Bill of Rights (the first ten amendments to the Constitution was adopted having been ratified by three- fourths of the United States.

Now what? Weapons have changed along with the minds of people who own them. I am all for individual rights. What would the founding fathers of this country say about this right to bear arms and the effect it is having on society in modern times? The right to bear arms was to protect citizens allowing citizens to bear arms, self-defense, resistance to oppression, and the civic duty to act in concert in defense of the state.

Thanks WikipediA

Now what? Everyone should be able to own a flint lock musket like the one we had over the book case in our family home for years. In 1790 the only guns available to citizens was this type of long rifle.

You were not able then to mail order a high powered rifle the Carcano Model 91/38 that killed John F. Kennedy that was purchased for 19.95 plus shipping. Robert Kennedy was killed by a .22 caliber Iver-Johnson Cadet revolver.  A Remington 30-06 rifle killed Martin Luther King Jr. John Lennon was shot in the back with a Charter Arms .38 caliber pistol. All were killed by deranged gunmen with access to guns.

Does anyone have any ideas about what to do about gun violence in America? I thought maybe we should just keep the American flag at half-staff and raise it only once a year maybe on Independence Day. It seems as if every other week we have another senseless tragedy take place. Our political leaders, religious leaders and other prominent figures in society have been gunned down over the last half century. If this has not brought about an attempt to deal with the plague of gun violence what ever will. Has Pandora’s Box been opened?

 Now movie theaters class rooms of children people walking on the street, drive by shootings. The list goes on and these are just what we hear about in the news. What can we do, anything? I could not continue with this day without airing my thought and frustrations. The gift of life taken from so many people.

It would seem as if now the citizens of the United States need protection from the second amendment to the constitution -  the bill of rights, to live not in fear of getting shot point blank in the back of the head while you are watching a movie comedy with your boyfriend. At school, on the playground, on the street, in a restaurant, while you worship in church. Guns in the wrong hands is a very dangerous thing that ruins and ends innocent lives.

 In the United States gun violence results in thousands of deaths and thousands more injuries annually. The ownership and control of guns are among the most widely debated issues in the country. In 2010, according to the facts, 67% of all homicides in the U.S. were conducted using a firearm.

 According to the FBI, in 2012, there were 8,855 total firearm-related homicides in the US, with 6,371 of those attributed to handguns. 61% of all gun-related deaths in the U.S. are suicides. In 2010, there were 19,392 firearm-related suicides, and 11,078 firearm-related homicides in the U.S. In 2010, 358 murders were reported involving a rifle while 6,009 were reported involving handgun; another 1,939 were reported with an unspecified type of firearm. The statistics are staggering.

Gun violence is most common in poor urban areas and frequently associated with gang violence, often involving male juveniles or young adult males. Although mass shootings have been covered extensively in the media, mass shootings account for a small fraction of gun-related deaths and the frequency of these events had steadily declined between 1994 and 2007. Between 2007 and 2013, however, the rate of active shooter incidents per year in the US has increased. Hand guns figured in the many mass shootings in America were committed by assailants armed with multiple weapons.

In 2009 estimated there were 310 million firearms in the U.S., not including weapons owned by the military. 114 million of these were handguns, 110 million were rifles, and 86 million were shotguns. In that same year, the Census bureau stated the population of people in the U.S. at 306 million.

President Obama pointed out the other day in an interview the number of Americans killed by gun violence opposed to terrorism. I Googled gun deaths in America for 2014 was 12,557 with 51,687 incidents.  In 2014 According to the Huffington Post of the 17,891 deaths from terrorism last year, 19 were Americans. What can we do about this constant assault on the lives of innocent people and our ability to enjoy our freedom? Can we do anything ? Pray? Write your congressman? Anything? Or nothing, I wrote this after the last shooting in Louisiana since a few news programs have addressed the issue. And then again the subject goes silent until the next time it happens.

One of the most intelligent people on TV, CNN's  Fareed Zakaria's GPS had a segments on this subject of gun violence. He has aired information most recently a couple of weeks ago. And before this last episode a similar program aired a couple of years prior to his latest. Here is a transcript from that show;


Since 9/11 America has responded aggressively to the danger of terrorism. Taking extraordinary measures, invading two countries, launching military operations and many others, and spending over $800 billion on homeland security. 

Americans have accepted an unprecedented expansion of government powers and invasions of their privacy to prevent attacks. Since 9/11 74 people have been killed in America by terrorists according to "New America." And calculating using CDC data in the same period, over 150,000 Americans have been killed in gun homicides. 

And to tackle that problem, we have done nothing. Our attitude seems to be one of fatalism. Another day, another mass shooting, which is almost literally true. The Web site documents that in the first 207 days of 2015 America had 207 mass shootings. After one of these takes place now, everyone goes through a ritual of shock and horror and then moves on, aware that nothing will change, accepting that this is just one of those quirks of American life. But it is 150,000 deaths. That's almost three Vietnam's.

ZAKARIA: But it makes little sense to focus on mental health. Look at these statistics for the United States and other countries provided by which uses official data. America has a gun homicide rate that's at least a dozen times higher than those of most other industrialized countries. It is 50 times higher than Germany's, for example. We don't have 50 times as many mentally disturbed people as Germany does. But we do have many, many, many more guns. 

Former Texas Governor Rick Perry's solution is to loosen the few restrictions on guns that do exist so that in the Lafayette movie theater other patrons would have been armed and could have shot the gunman. 

The notion that the solution, in dark, crowded movie theaters, is a mass shootout is so dangerous that frankly it should rule Perry out as a serious candidate. 

When asked about such proposals after the last mass shooting in a movie theater in Aurora, Colorado, William Bratton, who has been police chief in three major American cities, dismissed the notion entirely. To him the solution is obvious. "We need some sanity in our gun laws. Gun control can reduce these numbers of incidents," he told CNN. 

 We have done the opposite. We have actually loosened restraints on the ability and ease with which people can buy, own and carry guns. This is partly because, in June 2008, the Supreme Court broke with 200 years of precedent and in a 5-4 decision written by Justice Antonin Scalia created an individual right to gun ownership that has made common sense regulation of guns much harder. 

In his powerful dissent in that case, Justice John Paul Stevens pointed out that Scalia's opinion was an act of extreme judicial activism that for two centuries federal courts have recognized that the government had the power to regulate the sale of firearms and that the Supreme Court in particular had for at least seven decades consistently ruled in this way. It is not an act of fate that has caused 150,000 Americans to die over the last 15 years. It is a product of laws, court decisions, lobbying and pandering politicians. And we can change it. 

 After last week's incident in Lafayette, Louisiana, the governor of  the state and presidential candidate, Bobby Jindal, pointed his finger at what has now become the standard explanation for these events. Three days after the tragedy he said on "Face the Nation" -- GOV. BOBBY JINDAL (R), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Every time this happens it seems like the person has a history of mental illness. 

We do need protection from people who mistakenly believe the 2nd amendment paves an unrestricted highway to unlimited gun ownership. Why should guns be singled out for this unrestrained dignity ? Let us stop registering cars, pick-ups, tractor trailers, let us rip from the ground all speed limit signs, no passing signs, slow down construction zone signs. Why should we have are freedoms restricted when we get behind the wheel by an overbearing , heavy-handed government bureaucracy dedicated to squeezing the last bit of freedom from the American Way of life ? If guns are to be unrestricted then so should our highways be .Get rid of every state DMV in the nation, fire all traffic cops, quit regulating tractor trailers, let Freedom run free from Interstates 5 to 95, from 8 to 94. Everything will get better once people get used to the spike in traffic deaths. Grandpa might have to keep it in the garage or get killed, but what the hell Freedom isn't Free, as long as it is someone else paying the price for it." Mark Winkel 

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Bloodbath in Iraq

The truth about the criminal bloodbath in Iraq 

Can't be 'countered' indefinitely

The media cover-up has been a weapon in the crimes of western states since the first world war. But a reckoning is coming for those paid to keep the record straight

A baby in a Baghdad hospital in July 2003. 'Half a million Iraqi infants died as a result of sanctions, according to Unicef.' Photograph: Joseph Barrak/AFP/Getty Images
The BBC's Today programme is enjoying high ratings, and the Mail and Telegraph are, as usual, attacking the corporation as leftwing. Last month a single edition of the Radio 4 show was edited by the artist and musician PJ Harvey. What happened was illuminating.
Harvey's guests caused panic from the moment she proposed the likes of Mark Curtis, a historian rarely heard on the BBC who chronicles the crimes of the British state; the lawyer Phil Shiner and the Guardian journalist Ian Cobain, who reveal how the British kidnap and torture; the WikiLeaks founder, Julian Assange; and myself.
There were weeks of absurd negotiation at Broadcasting House about ways of "countering" us and whether or not we could be allowed to speak without interruption from Today's establishment choristers. What this brief insurrection demonstrated was the fear of a reckoning. The crimes of western states like Britain have made accessories of those in the media who suppress or minimise the carnage.
The Faustian pacts that contrived a world war a century ago resonate today across the Middle East and Asia, from Syria to Japan. Then, as now, cover-up was the principal weapon. In 1917 David Lloyd George, the British prime minister, declared: "If people knew the truth, the war would be stopped tomorrow. But of course they don't know and can't know."
On Harvey's Today programme I referred to a poll conducted by ComRes last year that asked people in Britain how many Iraqis had been killed as a result of the 2003 invasion. A majority said that fewer than 10,000 had been killed: a figure so shockingly low it was a profanity.
I compared this with scientific estimates of "up to a million men, women and children [who] had died in the inferno lit by Britain and the US". In fact, academic estimates range from less than half a million to more than a million. John Tirman, the principal research scientist at the MIT Centre for International Studies, has examined all the credible estimates; he told me that an average figure "suggests roughly 700,000". Tirman pointed out that this excluded deaths among the millions of displaced Iraqis, up to 20% of the population.
The day after the Harvey programme, Today "countered" with Toby Dodge of the LSE – a former adviser to General Petraeus, one of the architects of the disasters in both Iraq and Afghanistan – along withMowaffak al-Rubaie, a former Iraqi "national security adviser" in the occupation regime, and the man who led Saddam Hussein to his lynching.
These BBC-accredited "experts" rubbished, without evidence, the studies and reduced the number of dead by hundreds of thousands. The interviewer, Mishal Husain, offered no challenge to their propaganda. They then "debated" who was responsible. Lloyd George's dictum held; culpability was diverted.
But for how long? There is no question that the epic crime committed in Iraq has burrowed into the public consciousness. Many recall that "shock and awe" was the extension of a murderous blockade imposed for 13 years by Britain and the US and suppressed by much of the mainstream media, including the BBC. Half a million Iraqi infants died as a result of sanctions, according to Unicef. I watched children dying in hospitals, denied basic painkillers.
Ten years later, in New York, I met the senior British official responsible for these "sanctions". He is Carne Ross, once known in the UN as "Mr Iraq". He is now a truth-teller. I read to him a statement he had made to a parliamentary select committee in 2007: "The weight of evidence clearly indicates that sanctions caused massive human suffering among ordinary Iraqis, particularly children. We, the US and UK governments, were the primary engineers and offenders of sanctions and were well aware of the evidence at the time but we largely ignored it and blamed it on the Saddam government … effectively denying the entire population the means to live."
I said to him: "That's a shocking admission."
"Yes, I agree," he replied. "I feel ashamed about it ..." He described how the Foreign Office manipulated a willing media. "We would control access to the foreign secretary as a form of reward to journalists. If they were critical, we would not give them the goodies of trips around the world. We would feed them factoids of sanitised intelligence, or we'd freeze them out."
In the build-up to the 2003 invasion, according to studies by Cardiff University and Media Tenor, the BBC followed the Blair government's line and lies, and restricted airtime to those opposing the invasion. WhenAndrew Gilligan famously presented a dissenting report on Today, he and the director general were crushed.
The truth about the criminal bloodbath in Iraq cannot be "countered" indefinitely. Neither can the truth about our support for the medievalists in Saudi Arabia, the nuclear-armed predators in Israel, the new military fascists in Egypt and the jihadist "liberators" of Syria, whose propaganda is now BBC news. There will be a reckoning – not just for the Blairs, Straws and Campbells, but for those paid to keep the record straight.