Sunday, November 22, 2015

I am glad I am not the President it is a tough gig these days.

Glad I am not a President of the United States. I imagine most everyone else is glad I am not too. How would I stand to wake up each day facing the problems that face the United States and the World? Sacrificing my own life to try and serve with a vision and have continual opposition. Knowing that is what this country does to leaders in politics and other walks of life. Loves them on the way up and hate them after they are torn apart or have failed in some way. The fall from grace of those at the top of their field. This happen not only in politics also in sports, arts and entertainment, business and finances.

Now the media rages on in all their glory with tragic world events. The presentation polished and characters right out of Hollywood central casting department. Almost acting as editors for ISIL's media propaganda productions. I would encourage the media to alter the way reporting is presented. Facts and video clips are great evidence of these horrific events. The way it is produced is not helpful to the cause.

First of all please discontinue the use and do not refer to ISIS as ISIS graphically it looks to good and sounds too catchy. ISIS as I have said before is a one of my favorite Bob Dylan songs. Written long before ISIL or Daesh and its evil entities were a glimmer in dark black soulless eyes. Like the eyes of a shark without soul or feeling.


Let’s tell the news sources knock off the ISIS even though it is a great graphic and easy to say. They hate to be called Deash it sounds more appropriate. Deash sounds more like they are bash, crash, trash, Deash. Sounds of words are important ISIL also does not sound as inviting. Think about the name and how it is presented in the wall paper graphics and repetitive coverage of network news. Are they trying to attract more recruits to the satanic cult by splashy headlines of ISIS?

Another problematic term that will incite and attract home grown terrorists. “Lone Wolf,” “Lone Wolf” Wolf Blitzer loves to say it, I guess because it is his first name, Wolf, Lone Wolf us to death. Kind of sounds romantic the Lone Wolf strays away from the pack and goes into the forest. Wolves are a majestic animal do not compare these soulless scum bags to a wolf. Wolves kill to eat, not for pleasure or some misguided ideologically twisted at best cause. Do not attract the disenfranchised freaks with access to automatic weapons. “Lone Wolf.” Call them what they are insane gunman.

 At home in the theaters at the grade schools, colleges across the land the continuing gun violence that is escalating every week. The threat of sleeper cells of terror. Make you think before you book a flight go to a movie or a ball game. Searches and scanners make sure we do NOT have the ability to defend ourselves. Metal scanners also keep more bloodshed from happening on a large scale. This is a real catch 22 now with more police presence at venues I hope will make these cowardly cold blooded killers think twice about an assault on innocent people.

These devils know we are defenseless and ready for another shooting gallery situation. Lucky thing I am not the president if so we would have an interesting time in our country's history. Personally, for me, I would start a frightful all out offensive from all directions. Froth with retribution in my-our sights. All hell would break lose on ISIL.

The second amendment of the constitution has been a topic of much debate in recent years due to the over 30,000 deaths by guns in American per year. What can we do? Take away the guns then just bad guys will have them. How could you gather all the guns in the wrong hands and record the ownership of legal ownership. Guns in the hands of disturbed and ignorant people do not mix. Now with the tragedy in France, a horrific slaughter. Threats against western targets are many and will be bound to take place. I hope not however it seems inevitable. 

CNN and network news is promoting it in a way they are aware of this themselves. Is it time to call for a well-armed citizen led militia for security? As the second amendment suggests, whatever it takes. Certify and issue advance gun training conceal and carry permits? I would like to have the ability to defend myself. Shoot, slow down or possibly kill the assassin. A chance for people to escape and fight back. Drastic times calls for drastic measures. Arming qualified people or take it to another level. How about a draft to gather a massive force with a coalition to wipe the surge of Deash from the earth. And then keep the peace and keep this scourge from coming back.

We now need to prepare for these attacks when are they likely to happen. After a report of an ISIL leader being killed or a city taken back. Yes they plan retribution and are triggered by the fall of a fellow terrorist. Dates, they like dates with symbolism 911 for instance was no coincidence. Emergency 911 this is a clue. How about Friday the 13th another attack takes place. Another thing to notice is how they try and weave their evil web into the psyche of the free world. Bin Laden launched a video tape on or about Halloween wearing an orange shroud. They have now taken psychological warfare even further. These all are examples of terrorist methodology.

 Prophecy or script? The book that explains current events is the Bible it all is described in it. Prophecy of end times as it is written playing out? Or are they enacting these events in a way to gain even more of an effect to scare and terrorize.  Beheadings in the red sea and launching a holy war. Something to think about.

 Video game prophesy and it being acted out has bred a generation of devils. A format to emulate and now even to secretly communicate via. And wonder why when the networks make these psychopaths icons for twisted minds to follow. I am all for free speech and information. The next killer learns and listens to the information such as websites on how to build a bomb and download your very own ISIL training manual.

 Now who is going to deem the fight on terrorism world war three? I think they will give the scoop to Wolf Blitzer the senior press pack leader. Will Fox news jump the scoop? Seems as if it might have been an appropriate call back when they started cutting off the first American's head. Or when the first American female was kidnapped brutalized, raped repeatedly and then killed. By American bombs possibly or most likely slaughtered in the name of retribution somehow in their twisted ideology.

Is all this really happening in our time and how can we the people of the world let it continue? Every continent stuck by terrorism continuing at an escalated pace. The incidences they continue. I have been asking how long it will be before the good guys show up and take care of business in the fight against pure hatred and evil. 

Thanks to CNN news and other networks for creating a more polished version of ISIL central casting propaganda videos. Finally the networks obsession with Donald Trump is trumped by tragic real world events. Coming into the holidays showing targets vulnerabilities over and over with cameras ready, action, camera. 

 The next crazy will be in their reports over and over until these sick cowardly punks have their 15 minutes of fame. Show the people they killed and their stories not the killers. Don't call the twisted individuals, "masterminds" of terror sounds like a new video game the press invented. The use of some discretion which also comes with free speech in these reports would be nice. However then news ratings would tumble, who will make the call when and if it is really world war III? And how it began or was delayed or avoided will be for historians to say. 

For now a great way to fight terrorism would be easy, just turn off the TV and the promotion of ISIL's cause and recruitments will be fewer when they realize they are contributing to the problem. I am a news junky I would have to find something else to do. And would be glad to do that when no news is good news.
